量的テキスト分析に関する知識の普及と人的な交流のため、2023年に多言語量的テキスト分析研究会(Multi-lingual Text Analysis Research Group)を立ち上げました。本研究会は(1)大学院生に量的テキスト分析についての学習機会を提供する、(2)量的テキスト分析の実践者の間での学問を超えたつながりを形成する、(3)アジア言語のテキストの量的分析の手法を発展させる、ことを目的としています。 本研究会では、社会科学(政治学、社会学、地域研究)の大学院生や若手の研究者を中心を中心に、同年3月から勉強会を定期的に開催しています。勉強会では、計画中または進行中の研究についての方法論的なアドバイス、量的テキスト分析についての実践的なチュートリアルなどを行っています。 勉強会への参加に関心がある方は、Google Groupを通して日時と場所をお知らせするので、僕にメールで連絡をしてください。基本的にオフラインでの集まりですが、なるべく日本各地で開催したいと思っています。
New report on the Kremlin’s influence on Twitter
My co-authored report on Russia’s influence on Twitter during the 2020 US presidential election has been published by Free Russia Foundation. I and Maria Snegovaya conducted a representative online survey of Americans during the election campaign along with quantitative content analysis of their Twitter posts over a year. We aimed to reveal the relationship between […]
COMPTEXT 2020 Conference
POLTEXT conference has been renamed COMPTEXT to broadened the focus from political science to wider social sciences. Anyone who analyze textual data from social science perspective is welcome to present. Next conference, COMPTEXT 2020, will take place in Innsbruck, Austria, on 15-16 May 2020. The developers of quanteda will offer tutorials in the pre-conference events […]
Auditing POLTEXT 2019 in Tokyo
We opened application for auditing POLTEXT 2019 that will take place at Waseda University in 14-15 September. We are very excited to have worldly famous keynote speakers, Jonathan Slapin (University of Zurich) and Sven-Oliver Proksch (University of Cologne), and over 60 presenters from all over the world. If you are interested in attending, please signup […]
POLTEXT is coming to Tokyo
I am organizing the POLTEXT symposium in Tokyo on 14-15 September, 2019. I have participated in the conference in 2016 (Croatia) as a presenter and in 2018 (Hungary) as a tutorial instructor, and learnt a lot from other participants. This is the time for me to offer such an opportunity people from inside and outside […]
Presentation at ECPR Hamburg
I have presented my latest study on Sputnik News at ECPR Hamburg. This study shows that Russia is using conspiracy theory in Sputnik News articles to promote anti-establishment sentiment in the United State and Britain. The paper and slides are available.
Presentation at R user meeting in Tokyo
I have presented Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data with R at a TokyoR event on 15th July hosted by Yahoo Japan. This was a great opportunity for me to reach out broad Japanese R users and tell them how easy it is to analyze Asian texts using quanteda. It was also really nice to meet […]
Obstruction to Asian-language text analysis
In a presentation titled Internationalizing Text Analysis at a workshop on the 27th June at Waseda University, I and Oul Han discussed what obstructing adoption of quantitative text analysis techniques in Japan and Korea. Our question is why there are only few people who do quantitative analysis of Japanese and Korean texts, despite it is […]