Setting fonts for Chinese polarity words in LSS

I always recommend users of the LSX package visualizing polarity words using textplot_terms() because it allows them to explain intuitively what their fitted LSS models are measuring to others. I am using this function myself in my project on construction of a geopolitical threat index (GTI) for multiple countries that include China and Japan, but I noticed that plotting function does not work well on Windows when I was analyzing Chinese texts: some of the the words are renders using both serif and sans-serif fonts.

textplot_terms(lss, highlighted = keyword)

I tried to force the function to use the SimHei font but I found it is only possible in the underlying ggplot2 functions. So, I added ... to the function in the upcoming version of the LSX package (v1.3.2) to specify the font through the family argument. Since ... is passed simply to ggplot2::geom_text() and ggrepel::geom_text_repel(), we can also use arguments such as size. Note that, on Windows, we need to load fonts using the extrafont package before textplot_terms().

# extrafont::font_import() # need to run only once
extrafont::loadfonts(quiet = TRUE)
textplot_terms(lss, highlighted = keyword, family = "SimHei")

I hope this change will help users of the package to analyze Chinese texts more easily and present the results to wider audiences.

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