After seeing mass media’s strong response to the extremists’ attack against Charlie Hebdo, I started thinking what can I do for this increasingly important topic? One simple work is making a dictionary containing keywords related to terrorism, so the Terrorism Dictionary 2014 is created. This dictionary is made from newswires submitted by the Associated Press and Agence France-Presse in 2014 using the collocation-of-collocation technique.
The following top-30 keywords contain a lot of nasty words, although there is a proper noun as a result of failure of name entity recognition.
terrorist 854.315998 terrorism 588.953735 terror 481.302104 terrorists 218.965274 attacks 210.076406 group 166.118157 groups 149.240685 militant 119.637842 murder 116.232324 criminal 110.881245 charges 110.290402 extremist 103.736008 organisation 98.508253 jihadist 97.517677 jihadists 91.178175 al-qaida 86.847945 threat 83.710184 acts 82.083663 organization 82.043942 strikes 81.820983 militants 81.399320 violence 78.733125 violent 73.914122 terrorism-related 73.734030 guilty 73.433767 attack 69.712507 fight 66.956416 extremists 64.436517 links 63.727690 charged 63.267324
This list of keywords can be used to find news stories or Twitter posts about terrorism. For example, if an item contain more than three of the keywords among the top 100 in the dictionary, it is very likely to be about terrorism.