I presented a technique for a longitudinal analysis of media content at BEAMS (Behavioral and Experimental Analyses in Macro-finance) workshop at Waseda University.
Quantitative text analysis workshop at PolText 2018
I was invited to deliver a workshop on quantitative text analysis at PolText Incubator Workshop at Hungarian Academy of Science on 9 May 2018. Workshop materials are available in my Github repo.
Building text analysis models using Quanteda
At the LSE Computational Social Science hackathon, I presented how to develop text analysis models using quanteda‘s core API’s such as as.tokens(), as.dfm() and pattern2id(). All the slides and the files available are in my Github repository.
Release of Quanteda version 1.0
We have announced the release of quanteda version 1.0 at the London R meeting on Tuesday. I thank all the organizers and 150+ participants. In the talk, I presented the performance comparison with R and Python packages, but I actually compared the performance with its earlier CRAN versions to show how the package evolved to […]
Workshop on text analysis at ESSCE in London
I and Ken Benoit will convene a half-day workshop at European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science in November. We will explain how quanteda can be allied to different types of textual data in dictionary-based analysis. The material for the workshop contains the most updated examples.